Thursday, November 18, 2010

October - Halloween Carnival

At Service Dates, we love to bring smiles to kids' faces!  Our first October activity was a great opportunity to go out into the community and interact with families.  We volunteered at Thanksgiving Point's annual Halloween carnival.  Each couple was put in charge of a booth.  Here are some of them:

Pin the Wart on the Witch!
Ashley and Tyler kept cracking up because their warts wouldn't always stick.  Dang play-do!

Ring Toss!
(This one was basically impossible for the little kids.  ... and me, haha.)

(We are Argentine futbol stars, in case you couldn't tell.)

The BOOling Alley
haha, clever.

Face Painting
But with stick-on tatoos.  This was a super popular booth!

Goo Making!! 
This one was my personal favorite.

Some kids left their goo at our booth.  Paul was not a fan.

Giving away eraser tops! 
Just kidding, I don't remember what their booth was.  But we can see they had some awesome prizes! haha.

Cookie Decorating
Yummy.  That is all I have to say.

Making Witch masks...

...Sooo cute, right?

Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum win best dressed, hands down!

It's Rowena Ravenclaw and Jack White!  Helping the kids make witch masks! BYU Service Dates is FAMOUS.  :)

And of course, the cool Program Directors:

Amanda, Elissa, Ashley
(Pretend like Elissa is the witch...?)

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